Geek Mental Help Week 2017
Starting again on October 2nd 2017, Geek mental help week is a week-long series of articles, blog posts, conversations, podcasts and events across the web about mental health issues, how to help people who suffer, and those who care for us.
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New articles and entries
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Sarah Gebauer's world changed quite radically a month ago because she underwent a surgery which will mess with her routines necessary for daily functioning due to her neuroatypicality at least for next 11 or 12 months.
Positive patterns for designging mental health services
Sarah Drummond, co-founder and managing director of design consultancy Snook, explores how we can develop patterns for services in the mental health space.
Impostor syndrome: your brain's unhelpful error message
Jessica Rose examines how impostor syndrome undermines our estimation of our individual skills and how we can cope with it.
Empowering Vulnerabilities
In the first of a series of articles to coincide with Geek Mental Help Week, Sharon Steed explains how vulnerabilities can be empowering and improve team collaboration.